Risultati (1569)
Natale del Signore
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
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25 Dicembre 2013
Anno ALuca 2,1-14 Significativamente nel martirologio odierno si legge: "Commemoratio Nativitatis Domini nostri Jesu Christi". Natale è una memoria, anzi la memoria per ...Press release
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Bose, Wednesday 5 – Saturday 8 September 2012
in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches
In the Christian tradition of East and West to live on eart...
Meeting at Bose of the theological study group Saint Ireneus
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
On 31 October–4 November the 9th annual meeting of the “Orthodox-Catholic mixed theological study group Saint Ireneus” was held in Bose
Official press release
Lectio divina
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Words of Spirituality
Scripture asks that we put into practice what we have read if we truly want to understand it, and it is in a community enviroment
“The grace of Go...
Articolo esempio
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ...
Modalità di soggiorno
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
È possibile soggiornare come ospite per una giornata o più giorni, in settimana come nei weekend, anche individualmente.
Per prenotare chiediamo di telefonare. Non si accettano prenotazioni via em...
Elementi multimediali
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI In our illness we are called to accept responsibility for 'assigning a meaning' to our suffering
Esempio elementi HTML
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
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Paragrafo standard Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Paragrafo standard Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec... There was a problem loading image 'images/demo/thumbnails/thumbnails/thumb_thumb_immagine-esempio.jpg'
There was a problem loading image 'images/demo/thumbnails/thumbnails/thumb_thumb_immagine-esempio.jpg'
Prayer of request
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI In our prayer of request we rise above our need and transfigure it in desire. We place a certain distance between ourselves and our situation
Introduction to the Orthodox conferences
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
In Search of Shared Spiritual Sources: International Ecumenical Conferences on Orthodox Spirituality
The Experience of a Fraternal Enco...
Titolo articolo con video
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Testo esempio con un video. Testo esempio con un video. Testo esempio con un video. Testo esempio con un video. Testo esempio con un video. Testo esempio con un video. Testo esempio con un video.
Immagini home page
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I will be in Bose
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
H. H. the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, faithful friend of our community since longtime, announced that he will visit us once more
H. H. the Ecu...
Presentation of the Bose Psalter
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
1. The plan of the prayer
a) Liturgical times
This book contains the prayer for every day of the liturgical year. In the rhythms and events of time the Church wants to remind us of and ...
Introductory lecture
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
IV International Liturgical ConferenceTHE LITURGICAL SPACE AND ITS ORIENTATIONBose, June 1-3, 2006Monastery of BoseNational Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bi...
Press release
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
IV International Liturgical ConferenceTHE LITURGICAL SPACE AND ITS ORIENTATIONBose, June 1-3, 2006Monastery of BoseNational Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bi...
Press review
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
IV International Liturgical Conference 1-3 June 2006 The Liturgical Space and its Orientation
Monastery of Bose Ufficio Nazionale Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici - CEI
L’Osservatore Rom...
Community life
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Our bishop, Gabriel Mana, who was present as usual for the vespers of the feast, reminded us of the true sense of this covenant. “To enter into covenant with God does not mean to feel that we...
A sign which speaks of gratuitousness
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
When br. Enzo received the invitation to be a member of the Vatican official delegation to the Patriarch of Moscow Alexis II, his heart was filled with joy, surprise, and gratitude. On August 28, 2...
Portfolio 1993-2012
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
International Ecumenical Conferences
on Orthodox Spirituality
1993 la sala convegni
1st International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spir...
Press release
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
XIV Convegno ecumenico di spiritualità ortodossa
Bose, 14-20 settembre 2006
Che cosa significa celebrare la liturgia? Come la vita spirituale di una persona si innesta nella vita della comun...
Ecumenical visits and fraternal meetings
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
The three major occasions in the last few months on which we have been able to gratefully live the great gift of ecumenical visits and fraternal meetings were the international ecumenical conferenc...
Fraternal visits and exchanges
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Visits to Bose of monks and nuns of other communities have founded or renewed ties of friendship and fraternity in a community of following Christ and have permitted a fruitful exchange of experien...
The printing house
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
The printing house was started in 1984. At the moment it works with two little Heidelberg offset machines.
The main production is oriented to the printing materials for our pu...
Conference proceedings 2011-1993
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
19th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality
The Word of God
in the spiritual life
Bose, 7-10 September 2011
la prefazione e l'indice del...
Benediction of the Monastery of Cellole
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
On 7 April 2013, Sunday in albis, at 10:00 A.M. the bishop of Volterra, Alberto Silvani, presided at the Eucharistic celebration and will bless the monastery on the occasion of the beginning of the...
Introduction to the liturgical conferences
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
The International Liturgical Conferences held every year at Bose are meetings of scholars and experts coming from different countries and belonging to different Christian Churches. Their aim is to ...
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI The spiritual and ascetic tradition has always seen silence as essential to an authentic spiritual and prayer life
Saturday 15 March 2025, at 02:34
Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Humility is not primarily a virtue to acquire, but rather an abasement to endure: humility is above all humiliation